Typinator quick search hotkey
Typinator quick search hotkey


By utilising extra shortcuts you'll find yourself doing refinements along the way rather than at the end (where they can often be forgotten about).įor the keen eye who knows their shortcuts you may have noticed in the second video a few shortcuts you may not find in the standard set that comes with FileMaker. There's a tendency in developers to build something first, and refine or pretty it up later because that part of the task takes longer and is more tedious. You will actually end up changing the way you develop. By using shortcuts you're not just getting faster at doing what you do. You'll quickly find yourself becoming a better designer as a result.Īnd one final thing on the benefits. The quicker you can do your refinements, the more previewing you can get done in the same amount of time. This refine/preview cycle can go on for hundreds of iterations when building a layout. So much of layout development is making minor adjustments and then previewing your work in browse mode. More to the point, I think the most important area you can learn and use shortcuts is when in layout mode. Now that's an extreme example - you would have to be working exclusively in layout mode and doing a lot of manipulation to see that improvement, but this is a good illustration of how much time can be saved in increments over the course of a single day! If you do this kind of thing for a job developing 6+ hours a day, you can equate that to over 2 hours of saved time. Or to put it another way we reduced the time by over 35%. Without using shortcuts we took 69 seconds, and using shortcuts the same actions took 45 seconds - a saving of 24 seconds. In the second video we also show on-screen the keyboard shortcuts used. In the second video we use exclusively keyboard shortcuts. In the first video we use no keyboard shortcuts - just the inspector and contextual menus. The goal is to properly align everything nicely. To set the scene, we have a layout with some fields and labels, and a couple of other objects. These were made for a talk I gave at the APAC Developer Day last year about this very topic. Now, keep in mind that includes ones you might take for granted like cut/copy/paste, or arrow keys when in calculation dialogs to go to the start/end of a line - they're all considered shortcuts.Įnough preaching, time for a tangible example.īelow we have two videos.


We counted the total mac shortcuts available in FileMaker Pro, and there are around 260 give or take a few, that's quite a lot. However did you know that there are literally hundreds of shortcuts! A lot of people will be familiar with some of the more frequently used shortcuts (Define Database, Open Script Workspace etc).


Breaking years of habit can be hard to do, and you need to make a conscious effort to practice and use shortcuts.įileMaker provides a full list of mac and windows shortcuts on their help documentation. However if you're a more experienced developer and have spent years attached to the mouse, contextual menus, or inspector to do things, then you've got a much tougher challenge ahead of you. Learning shortcuts as you learn FileMaker is the best way to do it. If you're a new developer, now is the best time to learn shortcuts. Some of the missing shortcuts are so critical to speedy development it's amazing they're not built in, but we'll show you how you can easily define and add your own (if you are on a mac!)įinally we'll go into more depth about some of our favourite custom shortcuts we use, and show some cool shortcuts you might never have thought you could do. We will also cover how you can extend FileMaker's existing suite of shortcuts to fill in the gaps in the product. In this article we'll show some examples of routine tasks done with and without shortcuts to illustrate how much more efficient your development can be.


But if you can double or even triple the speed at which you carry out actions in FileMaker through memorising and committing keyboard shortcuts to muscle memory, you'll free up so much time to do so much more.

typinator quick search hotkey

You can learn all kinds of tricks and techniques and yeah they're all great and will make you a better developer. well okay not quite, but this is perhaps the single biggest piece of advice I could give anyone looking to improve their skills as a FileMaker developer.

Typinator quick search hotkey